The meeting representative for the Sunday, 4:30PM, Shepherd of the Hills meeting (Lakewood, CO at 20th & Simms) recently expressed the group’s concern about a misconception they’d heard regarding the meeting…

…Apparently some folks think the 4:30 Bulimic Meeting in Lakewood is only for bulimics/anorexics. On the meeting list it is indicated otherwise. I know from personal experience that there are times where I don’t refer to the paper meeting list for extended periods of time, thus possibly missing out on updated information. The reason for the title of the meeting is to give those who attend license to choose a topic possibly more oriented to the bulimic and anorexic version of our disease. More often than not, the topic is pertinent and relatable to all who have our malady. Anyway, we want to extend an open invitation to any and all members of Overeaters Anonymous to join us. If you have any concerns, please contact Amyk, the meeting rep, at 303 232-7609.

With the closing of the 6pm meeting at Shepherd of the Hills, please consider the 4:30pm meeting as a replacement if you’re looking to end the week and start the next by sharing your experience, hope and strength with others regardless of how our disease manifests itself in each.

Need Directions?

11500 W 20th Ave
Lakewood, CO 80215
Enter door with
Red Dot on Northeast
side of building,
lower level

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