Build Your Abstinence with an Abstinence Buddy Connection

Have you heard of the Abstinence Buddy Connection (ABC) Basket? It was introduced at IDEA Day last November and is still going at the Tuesday Lakewood and Thursday West Pines meetings.

An Abstinence Buddy Connection boosts everybody's abstinence from compulsive eatingHere is how it works:

The ABC Basket (with slips of paper and a pen) is passed around twice. Those wishing to participate will write their name, phone# and the best time to receive a call on a slip of paper, fold it and put it in the basket on the 1st time around. The 2nd time around, each participant draws out a name.

This is the “buddy” you will call that week. Since someone else has drawn your name and will call you, each person will have two buddy connections for the week.

This is a great way to use several of our OA TOOLS:

  • By reaching out to each other by TELEPHONE and being each other’s buddies for the week (for as often and in whatever way that develops between the two of you),
  • you are having mini-MEETINGS and being of SERVICE to each other.
  • By perhaps supporting each other’s abstinence through your sharing and commitment to each other, (“I’ll abstain if you’ll abstain.”), its like temporary SPONSORSHIP.

It is a wonderful way to connect with someone you might not otherwise have gotten to know as well.

I hope your groups will be willing to try it. Remember, “Together we get better”.

Happy ABCing.

Love and Blessings,

Ann D.

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