Join us for a statewide Unity Day celebration!

Unity Day is upon us! Unity Day is a day to celebrate the connection of all members and groups of OA to one another. Please join us for this spectacular event. Joining forces, the Colorado Central Intergroup (CCI), Northern Colorado Intergroup (NoCoIG), and Pikes Peak Serenity Intergroup (PPSI) will be presenting the programming for this virtual event. 

We will have three speakers, (one from each region), breakout rooms, and lots of UNITY! The theme is Unity with Grace, relationship with ourselves, others, and a Higher Power in balance. With specific focus on: 

  • Unity with ourselves and program
  • Unity with others and program
  • Unity with Higher Power and program

Please mark your calendars, and invite fellows, newcomers, and sponsees! We hope to see you on Sunday, Feb. 28 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. No registration is required. To join, click on this link, and enter meeting ID 9505832553.

Service positions are available! We are seeking readers (for the steps and traditions), a timer (to time the speaker for the speaker portion), and breakout rooms facilitators (to facilitate the small group discussion, based on questions provided by the committee). There are no abstinence or other requirements for these positions.

Please announce in your meetings.

If you are planning to attend, please download these questions to be used for discussion during the workshop:

Finding Unity within Ourselves:

  1.  How does what you tell yourself impact your relationship with yourself?
  2.  How are you Loving to yourself?
  3. What is your biggest challenge when forming a loving relationship with yourself?

Finding Unity with Each Other:

  1.  What is the greatest gift you receive from finding unity with another? 
  2.  How does unity with each other support your OA journey?
  3.  How do you form “unity” with your OA cohorts?

Finding Unity with Higher Power:

  1.  What are some of the indicators of your unity with Higher Power?
  2.  Do ever feel abandoned by Higher Power? If so, when? How do you renew your unity?
  3.  What are some ways Higher Power communicates to you?
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