Why I Serve – Amy K.

So, I recently saw that the Region 3 State Convention Combined, happening in Denver, was coming up in October 2011. Thought to myself…will I go?..or better yet…would I help in some way, to bring it about? Then I flashed upon the upcoming 50th anniversary of OA in Los Angeles in August. I’m really looking forward to going and have made all my travel arrangements. “Why do I go to all this effort?” I sometimes ask myself. It’s easier to stay home in Denver and in my safe routine. I go because I need the others in OA. I need their stories, their hope and encouragement to keep me wanting to work this program…to go to meetings, to do the steps, to reach out, to give back. My disease is in my head and is always beckoning me. It urges me to relax and take my recovery for granted..to take some time off. The undermining messages are relentless..”Don’t you have a life?..I mean after all these years for goodness sake…you won’t go back out!” A day at a time, I have been blessed with the gift of abstinence and life has gotten so much better. I ask my higher power every day to give me the desire to do what is necessary to stay abstinent with my food and from the potential emotional havoc developing in my mind. Putting out the extra effort to go these events and offering help to keep OA vital, affirms my commitment to, and my respect for, my recovery. It truly is a daily grace and I can never let up doing my part if I want to keep it.

I invite anyone else who identifies with my story..desiring to stay in the solution and wanting to find out how to participate (even in a small way), to join us for a meeting on Wednesday, September 18th at 6pm. Many of the more difficult, foundational things have already been taken care of. We are looking for ways to make the program both meaningful and fun. For more information contact Amy K 303/232-7609. For directions contact Jan B at3/456-8755, janbluecpa@msn.com

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