National Eating Disorders Week

I am working temporarily for Denver Health, and was intrigued to see that the hospital’s main pavilion has been lit up at night with bright blue and green lights.

The hospital is helping to raise awareness of National Eating Disorders Week, Feb. 25-March 3.

I learned that more than 100 buildings across the U.S., including the Empire State Building in Manhattan (photo at left), are similarly lit up to bring attention to the seriousness of eating disorders. I was made aware that eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness — and that they are treatable

This provided some personal reflection for me on how grateful I am to have found Overeaters Anonymous, how much it has helped me over my 36 years in program, how the fellowship has nurtured my spirit and made me aware of how important it is to give back what I have been so freely given. 

Shannon G., Littleton

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