Bloom in your recovery: Fellowship in the Flowers Sept. 13, 2020

Feeling stuck in your program? Craving more fellowship? Now is the time for blooming and blossoming!

Colorado Central Intergroup is excited to invite you to Fellowship in the Flowers. This will be  OA’s first ever hybrid event — meaning in person and online. We will have speakers, writing, and sharing. The topic is Growth. Fellows will share their experience, strength, and hope and share about how they have grown in program and blossomed in to the promises!

“Seed has started to sprout in a new soil, but growth had only begun.” P. 177 The Big Book of AA.


If you wish to meet in person ($15):

Meet at the gardens around 1 p.m. Feel free to explore the gardens and meet a fellow or two. Meeting will begin promptly at 2 p.m. Text Cassie to be added to the group text to help find the meeting place with in the gardens. This event will be limited to 10 participants. Therefore, you must RSVP to attend! Suggested cost is $15 for admission + 7th tradition donation you see fit. Please make your donation, if applicable via PayPal. You will receive a confirmed reservation from the TSW email. Thank you in advance for helping this meeting be self-supporting.

Please bring your phone and headphones! This is how we will connect the Zoom and in-person meetings safely. We will sit in a circle six feet apart, and masks must be worn in the gardens. If you feel sick and/or have been in contact with anyone with COVID, DO NOT attend. All city of Denver and CDC safety protocols will be adhered to.

If you wish to attend online (suggested donation of $3):

Please log in or call in as usual. Please RSVP to be sure we have a Zoom room to accommodate the number of participants who RSVP. To keep 7th tradition, our suggested cost is the same as a regular meeting (OA world Service office suggests $3-$5); pay as you see fit. Thank you so much in advance for helping us be self-supporting. Please make your donation, if applicable via PayPal.

These are difficult times we are living in. Let us all be reminded of our spiritual principal of Unity. We are all in this together! OA has no opinion on outside issues. Making the choice of which meeting you are able to attend is up to the individual. All are welcome!

Service positions available! Scholarships available! No one will be turned away for lack of funds, but you must pre-register so we have accurate headcounts.

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